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 THE 300 BODY - HOW TO BUILD A                                 SPARTAN PHYSIQUE


Building a fit and strong body doesn't require mastering an encyclopedia worth of exercises. The arsenal you'll be using may seem small, but they are all that's necessary.

Experience has shown moving too far away from the list you're about to see is just a distraction. And the last thing you need when getting a Spartan fit is too many distractions!

The first three exercises are the real meat of our program. These “big three” have been the basis of the training of practically every supremely fit person you can imagine.

  • Deadlift
  • Squat
  • Bench Press
  • Pull-Ups / Pull Downs Push-Ups
  • Rows
  • Shoulder Press Curls
  • Abdominal Work 

There are variations of all these exercises that can “spice” up your training occasionally. But move heavyweights in these lifts (aside from the abdominal work, pull-ups, and pushups which are more high rep orientated) and you will see an amazing transformation in your body. Fast.

A successful program is all about getting the most out of what you are doing. This is what these crucial exercises provide.

Each of these exercises has its own personalities and tips that we can use to master them more easily. I'll be addressing the most important ones as we dig deeper into our program.

How About Using Machines?

The question about using machines is a natural one. If you believe the fitness industry hype, it's easy to end up thinking that the latest, greatest (and most expensive) machine is the answer to all of your fitness concerns.

Now that you're getting caught up to speed on how to train like a Spartan, you've probably guessed this isn't the case.

Using machines over free weights will end up slowing down your progress, limiting your strength, and making you more prone to injury. With two exceptions:

1. To Rehab an Injury. 

If you have sore shoulders and there's no way you can bench press, substituting machine presses on a quality machine is a good option until you are able to bench press again.

Shoulder machine presses can also be popular for those with rotator cuff issues. Just use the machines as substitutes until you are able to hit the free weights again. Not a minute longer.

2. To Build up Strength for Full Pull-Ups. 

You'll see pull-ups and chin-ups are crucial parts of our program. They can be very difficult for those overweight or lacking in upper back and bicep strength.
Pulldowns on a machine are a way to build up the strength required to train for reps with pull-ups and chin-ups. The idea is to use heavy pulldowns for low reps.
Enough of these and you will be able to get the most out of the pull-up bar in no time. I'll get into this in more detail in our Spartan pull up the chapter.

You should be using free weights and your body weight for resistance at least 90% of the time when you are training. After all, Spartans didn't have Bowflex did they? They didn't need expensive trinkets and you don't either!

High Reps Are A Waste Of Time.

Going for a “pump” by performing exercises in endless reps with light weights, a method advocated by many bodybuilding gurus is a waste of time.

You're not “toning” your muscles or whatever else they claim. Instead, we will focus on building strength which translates into a better-looking body. For most exercises, this means staying close to 5 heavy reps.

Stay Away From Too Many Isolation Exercises.

Isolation exercises (which are exercises that focus on smaller body parts – things like tricep extensions, calf raises, etc.) have a place, but should NEVER be the main part of a Spartan training program.

The overemphasis on these is the reason why many conventional bodybuilding systems fall short.

Avoid Program Ideas That Only Work For People On Drugs.

Mainstream bodybuilding magazines are packed with programs that will only work if you are being “chemically” assisted. Our program will get you chiseled and strong without drugs. The Spartans didn't need them. Neither do you.

We're going to work on getting you strong and a great physique too. In this case, you can have your cake and eat it too.

Here's something to keep in mind as we dig into our new series "How To Build A Spartan Physique"

Take a look at statues of Greek warriors and gods sculpted in the times of the ancients.

These images were based on physiques crafted through hard work and smart training, not through strange science or weird modern bodybuilding ideas. 

These warriors trained to be STRONG and to be able to FUNCTION WELL on the battlefield. Their appearance was an end result of that training.

The same style of training you are also going to embark on through our new series.

Combine this with the right style of thinking and the willingness to take action quickly with great resolve and literally anything is possible.

Today can be the birth of a new, strong, and powerful you.

I'm betting it is.

To truly develop a Spartan physique and mindset, training needs to become a priority.

This isn't just important as a method of getting fit and strong. It's equally important as a means of ridding yourself of the mental habits and tendencies to be soft and lazy.

So while it's possible to follow abbreviated workout routines and meet some of your physical goals, that's not the path of a Spartan.

Instead, we will be training often. The discipline that comes from it is the fire that will burn away the old you and replace it with something better, fitter, and stronger!

You will be training five days a week. This 5-day routine will establish the feeling inside that training your body is as much part of your schedule as going to work or school or spending time doing other responsibilities.

It's this type of iron discipline that's possessed by professional athletes and soldiers. It's what separates the men from boys and what will quickly make your dream body a reality.

Each training session will clock in between 45 minutes and one hour, sometimes more depending on the amount and method of cardio.

This will never lead to overtraining as long as you are getting enough rest and eating a diet that isn't garbage.

Both sleep and dietary suggestions are included in this series. Follow them and you will never ever have to worry about overtraining working out five days a week.

Just don't think any of this will be easy. Nothing worthwhile ever is. Just ask the Spartans!

The Question of Where to Train

Most of us have at least a few options of where to train. Let's now consider the most popular and how well they work with our program:

Commercial Fitness Gym.

These are the chain gyms filled with people wearing spandex and repping away endlessly on the latest machines while pop music plays in the background.

These places are usually the last choice for our Spartan training. While it's still possible to get in a grueling workout while ignoring the atmosphere. If other options are available I suggest you explore them.

Bodybuilder, Powerlifting, or CrossFit Gym.

Any of these three are much better options. While their programs aren't quite Spartan, you can train seriously in these environments without being distracted by commercial fitness gym nonsense.

Just ignore any advice well-meaning personal trainers or staff may try to give about your program.

Too many chefs ruin the stew. Follow the ideas in our Series and see how well they work, rather than mixing things up and possibly not seeing the benefits of training like a Spartan!

Home Gym.

If you have a barbell, some dumbbells, a bench, and a way to do heavy squats this is a favorite choice of many people who have used this program successfully. You can yell, play loud music, train at whatever time you wish.

The main thing is that friends and family know to not bother you while working out unless it's an absolute emergency.

Five days a week in a place fit for a Spartan to train. Do you think you can handle it?


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